🐰Toy status guide🐰
【New】Brand new
【S】perfect:99% new
【A】excellent :90-98% new
【B】good:80-89% new
【C】ok:70-79% new
【Z】trash:50-69% new
➡️ As everyone's perception and expectation vary, please refer to the pictures for detailed product displays. The real product shall be considered as final.
➡️ Product grading/status description is only applicable to the toy products, not including to cartons.
➡️ Most products sold in this shop are antique toys. Kindly note that "antique" refers to 10s-30s years' vintage toys, includes both brand-new and second-hand. Even for brand-new products, the package and the toy itself may have minor defects (e.g. color fading, yellowing, dusty, damaged package and missing parts etc). If you do not accept these terms, please do not submit any order.
➡️ All products stated as "NEW"are not checked for missing parts. To maintain the product status, no open-box checking is available.
➡️ All products stated as "Unchecked" cannot be returned or exchanged even there is damaged or missing part.
➡️ All shipping risks including damaged and missing parts are borne by buyers.
➡️ Additional material costs will be charged if you wish to further strength the package.
➡️ All photos are not edited. The real product condition are shown in photo illustration.
➡️ For those products with more than one item in stock, the final product you received may not be exactly the one shown in photo.
➡️ Please ask and confirm for the product status and details before submitting your order.
➡️ The actual stock may differ from the amount shown on thr website. Most of the products have only one item. If your purchased item is out of stock, we will refund for that particular item.
➡️⚠️ All sold products are non-refundable and cannot be returned.
➡️ If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
➡️ All taxes and charges incurred by shipping will be paid by customers.
➡️ The order delivery maybe delayed due to unexpected reasons. Your understanding is much appreciated.
➡️ All parcels will be sent out with a tracking number.
【S】完品:99% new
【A】美品:90-98% new
【B】良品:80-89% new
【C】一般:70-79% new
【Z】廢品:50-69% new
➡️ 由於每個人的觀感和期望不同,請參考圖片以確認產品狀態,一切以實物為準
➡️ 產品新舊狀態等級描述只適用於貨品,不適用於箱子
➡️ 本店出售的產品多為古董玩具。請理解購買的是1x-3x年的古董玩具,有全新和二手。即使是全新的貨品,外盒和內容或有歲月痕跡,如褪色、泛黃、有塵、有污、壓盒、缺件等等,不適合完美主義者。如不能接受,請勿下單購買。
➡️ 所有列明等級【新】貨品,沒有檢查是否齊件,不設開箱檢查,以免影響產品狀態。
➡️ 所有列明【沒有檢查】的貨品,即是內容物沒有被檢查過,如遇缺件/損壞,不設退換及補件。
* 失件﹑損壞等一切運輸風險由買家承擔
* 如希望加強包裝,需額外支付物料費用
➡️ 貨品實物如圖,圖片未經任何處理,所見即所得。
➡️ 請於確認購買前,先詢問貨品狀態等資料。
➡️ 實際庫存量與網店庫存量未必相符,大部分產品只有1件。如下單後,小宅發現缺貨,該項缺貨產品會退款處理。
➡️ 2天內未能完成付款,訂單將自動取消。
➡️ 所有貨品,不退貨退款。
➡️ 買家如有任何疑問,請向我們查詢。
➡️Zeek寄付 HK$45
- 直送府上,派貨時,物流會先致電
- 付貨款時需同時付郵費,不設到付
- 收費固定,寄多少份量都是同一價錢,大屋都一樣。
- 特大件另計(如兩間綠山丘/幾間大屋)
➡️順豐到付 HK$20起
- 默認入箱寄送,避免貨品損毀
- 順豐收費按體積材或重量計算,請自行參閱順豐網站了解相關費用 https://www.sf-express.com/hk/tc/dynamic_function/price/
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